Header Medienarbeit Sandvik Coromant

Sandvik Coromant

Media work with precision

Sandvik Coromant is the world's leading manufacturer of precision cutting tools for the metalworking industry. The company approach is one of uncompromising quality, offering exclusive products in the high price segment. Their clients find the investment pays off: they achieve significant growth in productivity and efficiency using Sandvik Coromant tools and services. The goal is to sharpen Sandvik Coromant’s image as a productivity partner to the industry through sustained media work.

Sandvik Coromant

The Strategy: Sandvik Coromant’s positioning in the high-price segment and its concept of optimized productivity requires explanation and illustration. Therefore our media work focuses on background reports, interviews, and success stories, which highlight the increase in efficiency using concrete examples.

The Result: Sandvik Coromant is continuously represented in all the relevant trade press. The number of press appearances tripled within the first year of rheinfaktor taking over the media work. Almost 60% of these appearances are longer features about the applications and products. Top decision-makers increasingly focus on the company and consider it an important partner for increasing productivity and efficiency.

Medienarbeit Content Relations Sandvik Coromant
Content Relations Sandvik Coromant