With intelligent WLAN and network connectivity solutions, Lancom has become one of the leading players in the industry. The company intends to continue this success story. Growing requires bright minds. But they are rare and often sign up with well-known large companies. However, medium-sized employers such as Lancom offer a wealth of opportunities for qualified graduates: perspectives, room for maneuver, impulses. In order to be adequately perceived by potential applicants, Lancom relied on a comprehensive employer branding strategy and invited us to a pitch.
The strategy: "More than an employer": following this guiding principle, we developed a dual strategy that builds on the long-term development of the employer brand and attention-grabbing campaigns - and win the pitch. The employer branding concept and recruiting campaign pick up on Lancom's strengths and present the company with playful wit as "Spielraumgeber (giver of leeway)", "Impulsgeber" (impulse giver), or "Chancengeber" (giver of opportunities).
The result: The combination of strategic approach and creative implementation is convincing. Ads and events successfully positioned Lancom as an attractive employer for IT graduates - and the growth course is set to continue.