InfraServ Knapsack
Infraserv Knapsack turns the really big wheels: As a partner of the process industry, the company supports its customers with a broad range of individualized services in the areas of plant design, engineering, construction and service as well as site operation. Thanks to innovative offers and the excellent quality of its services, Infraserv Knapsack has been growing constantly for the past years. In order to continue on this path, the company is in need of qualified experts, most of all engineers and process engineers. Supported by us, Infraserv Knapsack set out to increase its profile with potential employees and to position itself as an attractive employer.
The Strategy: What characterizes Infraserv Knapsack as an employer brand? Where can the company score points with existing as well as potential employees? On the basis of workshops with the operation service provider, we develop an employer branding concept for a modern, dynamic and confident approach. “Truly reliable. Truly diversified. Truly successful. Truly Infraserv Knapsack.” – this umbrella concept was the framework for an integrated action package. A career portal, ad campaigns, booths on trade fairs and Social Media activities address potential employees in a straight and personal way: Do you want to turn the big wheels with us? Do you like to plan on a bigger scale?
The Result: The poised attitude “Truly Infraserv Knapsack”, as verbalized in the campaign, leads to a stronger identification of the employees with their company. The staff as true “brand ambassadors” and attractively designed material build an excellent basis for sustainable success in recruiting.
Genuine employees, genuine stories - genuinely InfraServKnapsack: with its authentic appearance, the specialist for plant safety in the chemical industry scores points with employees and candidates.